Community Resources

Community Type

WDMCS Community Education is an outreach department of the West Des Moines Community Schools. We provide opportunities for learning, service, and fun to people of all ages. We strive to serve the needs of our community by connecting people, ideas, and resources.

Phone: (515) 633-5001



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WesleyLife Home Health and In-Home Services team is ready to step in to help with condition management, or if you are returning home from a hospital stay, and would like some help to keep your recovery moving along,.

At home Services: (515) 297-7750

WesleyLife Meals on Wheels delivers a hot, tasty, nutritious lunch each week day, and our friendly drivers stop and chat for a moment to make sure all is well.

To start meal services: (515) 298-5922


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Your Community Information Station

Are you looking for activities, information, or resources in the communities served by West Des Moines Community Schools? West Depot is a community resource that will help you connect to the most local options.

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The City of WDM's first stop for assistance with for clothing, food, heating bills, utility bills, and general emergency assistance for WDM residents. Human Services also has a weekly free medical clinic and normally hold ELL classes for residents. 

Phone: 515-222-3660

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