Request a Title For Purchase

You may search our Online Catalog to see if we have a title you're interested in.  

If we do not own it, and you would like to request that the WDM Library purchase a title (Book, Audiobook, DVD, eBook, Audiobook), please fill out the form below.

You may also use this form to request items to be borrowed from another library (Interlibrary Loan). If we are not able to purchase this item, we can request it for you from another library at no cost to you. Please note that we may not be able to borrow materials published within the last three (3) to six (6) months, depending on lending policies and demand at the owning library.

**Note:  our Interlibrary Loan service will be temporarily paused beginning July 12, 2024 as we search for a new vendor.  You can still fill out this form and indicate you would be OK with an Interlibrary Loan - if we cannot purchase it, we will look at local area libraries to see if they have the item for you to pickup. 

* = required field

Item Request Form

Your preferred method for us to contact you if needed
Item Requested

Choose the type of item you're requesting below, so that your request can be routed to the correct selector. Thank you!

Would you prefer Large Print, where available, for print materials?
You may skip this question if you're not interested in Large Print books at all.  
Large Print (LP) Only, please
Large Print (LP) Preferred, but I'll take regular print if LP is unavailable
Borrow From Another Library?
If we do not purchase the book requested, do you want us to borrow it from another library (MOBIUS or Interlibrary Loan), if available? 
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.