Tale Trail

Walk a Story!

The Tale Trail is an interactive outdoor story path for young readers.  As they move along a path, they can explore the page panels at their speed and immerse themselves in the story.

The story adventure starts on the pond side of the WDM Library and leads you through the tunnel and up to Ashawa Park, then back again. 

The Tale Trail was sponsored by the Friends Foundation of the WDM Library.  Youth Services staff update it several times per year.  

Current Story

Eye Spy by Ruth Brown

Come on a playful journey through the day from dawn to dusk, set in a gorgeous countryside landscape. The reader must solve a riddle to guess which animal is hiding, and then search for it in the beautifully detailed illustrations.

Eye Spy Tale Trail
tale trail two children

Tale Trail Map

See the map below to start your adventure - it starts on the pond side of the library.  

You can also print out a PDF version of the map.  

Tale Trail Map