Online Tutoring – Brainfuse HelpNow
Check out Brainfuse HelpNow, an online skill-building and tutoring service that you can access FREE with your WDM Library card. It includes online lessons for building your skills, as well as online help with expert tutors, writing lab help and more!
WDM Schools Tutoring Resources
The West Des Moines Schools have a great Tutoring Resources page, with access to Tutor lists and more resources for students.
Databases for Homework Help

Online, interactive curriculum for children ages 2–8+, including reading and language arts, math, beginning science, social studies, art and music.

Royalty-free maps you can view, download and print, plus flags of the world and more.

Thousands of U.S. state reports and articles ready to download, royalty-free image collections of flags (antique and modern), vintage postcards, panoramic photos, license plates, and much more.

Travel resources including culture, language, foodways and more, around the world.

AtoZ World Food contains traditional recipes AND covers food culture for 174 countries of the world.

City Facts, Attractions and Excursions, Hospitality and Entertainment, Shopping, Travel Resources and more.
Websites for Homework Help
Full text of the Complete Works. Includes links to other Shakespeare resources on the Web.