Volunteer Opportunities

What Volunteer Opportunities does the Library offer?

We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities for patrons in their teens and beyond. Let us know your skills, interests, and talents and we will match you up with the best option that suits your talents and schedule. For adults, scroll down to "Adult Volunteer Opportunities" to see what is available. For teens, scroll to "Teen Volunteer Opportunities" to see what you are eligible to apply for. 

Please contact the Library with questions at wdmlibraryvolunteers@wdm.iowa.gov.

Listen to WDM Library Podcast About Volunteering

Teen Volunteer Opportunities

Group Service Project

Are you looking for a few Silver Cord, Community Service, or other volunteer hours? The Library is looking for volunteers to help with a monthly group service project. We will be performing a variety of tasks. No experience or training necessary! 

  • Group Service Project meets the the 4th Wednesday during the school year, September through April. (November and December have a modified schedule due to Holiday Breaks. Typically, we hold GSP on the 3rd Wednesday during these months.)
  • For students in 9th  - 12th grade.  

Please contact wdmlibraryvolunteers@wdm.iowa.gov with any questions.

Teen Advisory Board (TAB)

TAB is on hiatus until further notice.
For more information contact the Youth Services Department (515-222-3405 or wdmlibraryvolunteers@wdm.iowa.gov). 

Adult Volunteer Opportunities

We appreciate your choice to offer your time and abilities to the West Des Moines Public Library! Applications are always accepted but positions are not always available. Download the application to the right or ask for a paper application at the Accounts and Checkout desk. Potential volunteers will be contacted for an interview. Please email wdmlibraryvolunteers@wdm.iowa.gov with questions. 

  • Circulation Volunteer: This volunteer pulls materials from the shelves that have been requested by patrons, including books, DVDs, audiobooks, and other materials. This involves maneuvering a cart through the stacks, reaching high and low shelving, and occasionally comparing barcodes. The process can take between half an hour to about two hours, depending on the time of day and day of the week.
  • Adult Services Volunteer: This volunteer helps to prepare program supplies including copying, cutting, folding, organizing, sorting, etc. There is also an opportunity for special projects depending on what Adult Services is working on at that time. This volunteer must be willing to make a six-month commitment and will be asked to serve for 6-8 hours per month.
  • Homebound and Elder Care Volunteer: Do you enjoy spending time with seniors and other community members who may need assistance getting their library materials? If you are patient, kind, upbeat, and a great listener, you may find this position rewarding. Volunteers will deliver library materials to WDM residents in their homes or care facilities and provide socialization, which is critical in preventing cognitive decline. We aim to match applicants with someone who has similar interests.