Library News

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Vibrant New Mural Makes Home in Story Room

We’re thrilled to begin showing off the new mural in our Story Room designed by Thomas Agran of Iowa City! When we underwent renovations to the Children’s area of the Library, we knew that we wanted to add something extra-special to the Story Room. Agran’s proposal was an instant hit with his vision to create a mural with inspiration from collage.



From Carol Grant, Secretary, WDM Library Board of Trustees:

I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait for the West Des Moines library to reopen.  Two reasons…first, it’s been a year since Covid squelched my ability to leisurely browse the stacks. Secondly, I can’t wait to see (and experience) the final results of the renovations that have taken place over the past 20 months.

April 13 2021 Phone Interruption

Due to needed phone maintenance, the phones at the library after 6pm tonight, Tuesday, April 13 may get interrupted.  Curbside service will continue to 7pm as usual.  

Pull up, call the number as usual - 515-222-3404 - but if you cannot get through, staff will come out to check with you.  

Thank you for your patience!  

Phone service should be re-connected by Wednesday morning.  


Curbside Hours Expanded From Now Until Reopening

Curbside Pickup of holds is available during our Renovation Closure. 

As of 4/8/2021, we have EXPANDED Curbside Hours!  These will continue until we reopen in late April.

Hours for Curbside during Closure:  

     Monday - Thursday, 9am - 7pm

     Friday - Saturday,  10am - 2pm

To Use Curbside: 

Books to Netflix

Is the book better than the movie or tv show? Read for yourself!

Books to Netflix: Movies
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Bridgerton Read-a-Likes

Can't get enough Bridgerton? Try a few of our Read-a-Like suggestions!

West Des Moines Public Library to Close for Final Stage of Renovation

The West Des Moines Public Library will close for at least six weeks starting March 1 as the library enters the final stage of its nearly 18-month renovation. During the closure, contractors, engineers, movers, furniture vendors and library staff will re-open areas of the building currently closed, finish design and structural work, install new furnishings, fixtures and technology, re-install shelving currently in storage and assess, sort and re-shelve 30,000 library materials stored off site since the beginning of the project.  

Mars Perseverance Rover

Hi everyone! Miss Jenna here. If you're anything like me, you are watching updates and preparing for the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover landing on February 18! So exciting! Your library has a bunch of Mars-related materials to help you learn more about the planet and past NASA missions. Check them out below! Mark your calendars and tune in to the NASA YouTube channel to watch the landing. The broadcast is scheduled to begin at 1:15 CST. 

2020 Staff Picks - Nonfiction

2020 Staff Picks: Nonfiction

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What a great year for reading 2020 was! Many of us spent time with nonfiction, learning new hobbies and reading self-improvement.