Wednesday, February 12th - Closing for Weather

Due to the dangerous weather, the library will be closed on Wednesday, February 12.  We will be open Tuesday until 9pm as usual, and should reopen on Thursday as normal.  Check this space.  Please stay safe!

Curbside Hours Expanded From Now Until Reopening

Curbside Pickup of holds is available during our Renovation Closure. 

As of 4/8/2021, we have EXPANDED Curbside Hours!  These will continue until we reopen in late April.

Hours for Curbside during Closure:  

     Monday - Thursday, 9am - 7pm

     Friday - Saturday,  10am - 2pm

To Use Curbside: 

  1. You can place holds via our online catalog - we will do our best to process them the next business day. 
  2. You will be notified when your materials are Ready for Pickup - either by phone, email or you can always check My Account online.  
  3. When you get here:  call 515-222-3404 to have someone gather your materials and bring them to you.  

Availability:  We continue to check in/out materials while closed to walk-in traffic.  Regular notifications will go out.  

Posted on April 07, 2021