2024 WDM Public Library Staff Favorites: Young Adult

The West Des Moines Public Library Staff is sharing their favorite Young Adult picks from the year below! You can put the books on hold by clicking the titles, or you can stop by the display in front of the Accounts and Checkout Desk and see them in-person. 

Check out our other lists!

Adult Fiction

Adult Nonfiction 



Title: Akata Witch

Author: Nnedi Okorafor

Recommended By: Christine


Title: Celestial Monsters

Author: Aiden Thomas

Recommended By: Maggie


Title: Holes 

Author: Louis Sachar

Recommended By: Christine


Title: The Girl in Question 

Author: Tess Sharpe

Why I loved it: BEST. SEQUEL. EVER. (Please read The Girls I’ve Been!)  

Recommended By: Maggie


 Title: Pick the Lock

Author: A.S. King

Why I loved it: A.S. King always touches my heart with her books.  They are usually fantastical and existential and weird, but they are always touching on a greater point that is universal.

Recommended by: Traci


Title: Pride and Prejudice and Pittsburgh

Author: Rachael Lippincott

Why I loved it: *Screaming into my pillow over how cute this was* 

Recommended By: Maggie


Title: The Spirit Bares its Teeth

Author: Andrew Joseph White.  

Recommended By: Sam 

Why I loved it: This is a YA Fic.  I have been greatly enjoying it because the perspective of the main narrator is a take we don't get often.  The main character is a trans boy who is also autistic (the verbiage isn't used directly due to the time period  being set in a Victorian setting).  The story follows the main character through a world where violet eyed individuals, especially females, are treasured due to their connection with the Veil, a world between ours and the deceased.  Females are betrothed and essentially bid on at a young age and the main character wants nothing to do with his betrothal.  As he tries to avoid the destiny laid out for him, he is placed into a special school to cure his "sickness."  The story is intriguing and suspenseful at times.  I really have been enjoying it as a member of the LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent community.  I feel very "seen" by a lot of the situations found within.  


Title: Where Sleeping Girls Lie 

Author: Faridah Abike-Iyimide

Recommended By: Christine


Title: Wicked Things      

Author: John Allison

Why I loved it: John Allison is my favorite comic book writer and illustrator.  This series takes fan favorite Lottie, from his Bad Machinery series, and puts her in the middle of a murder mystery – where she’s the #1 suspect!

Recommended by: Traci

Posted on December 31, 2024