Materials Return Stool

WDM Library Materials Return Stool by Kaleb Dale
Kaleb Dale
Main Branch Interior

Kaleb Dale
Materials Return Stool

Red Oak

First Floor, Lobby near Materials Return 


Kaleb is a woodworker that uses 99% hand tools. Woodworking is a way for him to express his appreciation for art and mathematics. He found his passion for hand tools in college and in the spring of his sophomore year he bought his first hand plane. Kaleb’s interest in hand tools took off from there.
Along with hand-tool woodworking, Kaleb is a history geek. History has fueled his study of traditional woodworking practices. He has spent countless hours getting familiar with the history of his tools, including the manufacturer and origin of each tool. Kaleb’s tools were manufactured by a large spectrum of American and British craftsmen with dates ranging from 1760 to current times, with his most used tools having been made in the second half of the 19th Century.
With his toolbox of relics, Kaleb has made a wide variety of things from chess sets to bookshelves to wardrobes. His accomplishments in woodworking include placing several times at the Iowa State Fair and acceptance into the Iowa State University’s Student Juried Exhibit at the Memorial Union.